How to Order

There is a lot of types in heating elements and ordering one can't simply be done like an online shop, therefore please feel free to consult your needs with us and we will comply your requests as fast as possible.

A lot of our customers did the consultation first to order the custom heating elements that they wanted. The consultation is FREE OF CHARGE.

 Procedure of ordering: 

1. Contact us and say your needs.

2. Your request will be examined first (if necessary, we will visit your place).

3. We will explain about the price, the processing duration, and the delivery.

4. The deal is made and then the request will be processed immediately. 

-Thank You For Your Attention-


Ada banyak sekali tipe dalam heating element dan mengorder tidak bisa semudah membeli barang dari online shop, jadi silahkan konsultasikan kebutuhan anda terlebih dahulu dengan menghubungi cp kami dan kami akan memenuhi pesanan anda secepatnya.

Customer kami kebanyakan juga memesan heater-heater custom, jadi silahkan kontak kami untuk menkonsultasikan kebutuhan anda.

Prosedur pemesanan:

1. Beritahukan kebutuhan anda

2. Permintaan anda akan di cek terlebih dahulu (apabila perlu, akan dilakukan kunjungan)

3. Kami akan menjelaskan harga, durasi pembuatan, dan pengiriman

4. Setelah Deal, permintaan anda akan kami proses secepat mungkin

-Terima kasih Atas Perhatian Anda-

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